What Are the Benefits of Dental Cleanings?

Core Dentistry • Jun 16, 2022

A recent survey shows that in 2019, about 65.5% of adults in the US saw a dentist in the past 12 months. Most people don't want to pay for dental cleanings and checkups, or they can't make time to visit a dentist.

By doing so, you're neglecting a crucial part of your healthcare. Your dentist in Fort Mill, SC, recommends having dental visits at least twice per year for adequate oral hygiene.

Avoiding the dentist only exposes you to more significant oral health risks. Even though brushing and flossing at home are essential, ensure you schedule a dental cleaning with your local dentist.

Keep reading to know the benefits of dental cleanings.

Detect Oral Health Problems Early

We recommend visiting the dentist at least twice a year to detect any oral health problems. You can feel some issues like toothaches.

But professional x-rays and mouth inspections will notice more hidden issues. Failing to visit your dentist will cause problems like gum disease to worsen.

A regular dental inspection will spot the gum disease before it becomes worse.

Reduce Bad Breath

We all fear having bad breath; excellent oral health will help avoid the problem. Maintaining clean teeth is the best way to reduce bad breath.

Getting an extra dental cleaning treatment will leave you with a fresher breath. Your local dentist will aid you in keeping your oral health up and prevents unwanted odors by dealing with bacteria in your mouth.

Brightens Your Smile

Different foods and drinks can stain your teeth over time. Routine dental cleanings will remove the build-up stains hence having perfectly polished teeth.

If you want to have a bright smile, there isn't a better way than to have your dentist clean your teeth.

Prevents Cavities

Another significant advantage of dental cleaning is that it will prevent cavities. Plaque build-up is the leading cause of tooth decay – it attacks your teeth' enamel leading to cavities.

You can remove plaque daily through a brushing and flossing oral hygiene routine. But, frequent dental services by professionals will offer you the best oral health.

Dental Cleanings Prevent Tooth Loss

Plaque build-up on your teeth will cause your gum and teeth to loosen up. That will lead to gum disease, the number one cause of tooth loss.

If you don't remove the plaque through brushing or dental cleaning, the build-up can cause tooth loss in adults. Regular dental appointments will decrease your chance of having gum disease.

Boosts Your Overall Health

Untreated gum infections will lead to tooth loss, and the issues don't end there. Conditions that allow bacteria to thrive will cause various health problems.

There is a connection between oral health and your overall health. By continuously keeping your teeth clean, you will lower the chances of having heart disease and diabetes.

Gum bacteria can also lead to the narrowing of arteries. An infection we call endocarditis will affect the inner lining of your heart and is due to the gum bacteria spread through the bloodstream.

Mouth bacteria can also find their way to your lungs, causing pneumonia or bronchitis. Gum disease might also worsen some chronic lung diseases like asthma due to inflammation of the airways.

Your local dentist can spot some medical conditions during your appointment. So, if you're planning on improving your overall health, start by visiting a dentist in Fort Mill, SC.

Saves You Money and Time

You can have low or no copayments for oral exams and dental cleaning on your dental insurance plan. That makes scheduling regular cleanings a huge save.

Note that, at times, your insurance might not cover dental cleanings. But, you will find out that regular dental visits will prevent the need for expensive procedures done on your later.

When you don't promptly treat oral health problems, they will be more costly down the line. For instance, once you fail to catch tooth decay early during a dental cleaning, you will have to pay more for a root canal or implant.

Such procedures will cost you thousands of dollars to correct if you don't have dental insurance coverage. That's why it's essential to have regular dental visits that are much more affordable.

Dental cleaning will also save you time. For instance, a root canal will need you to have a few appointments with your dentist, including consultation, surgery, and checkups.

Reduced Dental Phobia

Most people fear dental visits or what we call dental phobia. That's one reason some people avoid going to their local dentist at all costs.

But regular dental cleaning will make you start being more comfortable with the dentist. Your fear will keep lessening with time.

That way, you will have better oral health, ultimately preventing you from going to the dentist for serious treatment.

Plaque and Tartar Removal

Plaque is a sticky film containing many bacteria and will build up on your teeth over some time. When the plaque keeps building up, and you fail to remove it, it turns into tartar which you can't remove.

That's how teeth stain and look unhealthy. Plaque and tartar look bad and can often lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

Though regular brushing will remove plaque, the ones you miss will still develop into tartar, also known as calculus. But, professional dental services can help scrape off the tartar thorough dental cleaning.

Visit a Dentist in Fort Mill SC

Having regular dental visits will make you reap all the benefits of professional dental cleaning. Preventative dental care is crucial to your overall health and will leave you with a happy smile.

Are you past the due date on your dental visits? Do you want to enjoy the benefits of dental cleanings?

At Core Dentistry, we will provide the best dental cleaning service- a significant component of preventative dental care. We use the latest technology and high-quality material, backed by up-to-date cleaning methods.

Contact us now to have the best dental service.

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